Library News

New product: BoardEx on WRDS

The IESE Library now has access to BoardEx data for the Europe region through Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS).

BoardEx is a database on board composition with biographical information on most board members around the world. BoardEx currently contains information on over 20,000 company boards and 900,000+ Individuals – board directors and senior managers.

Years of coverage: 1999-present. The database is updated daily.


• Profiles: 900,000+ (directors, senior management, disclosed earners), companies (listed and private)
• Network Connections: Between individuals via professional connections
• Board Summary: Composition, compensation, committees
• Company Details: Employees, capitalization, revenue, auditors

How to access to BoardEx?

Access campus-wide and off campus, from the Databases page. You need to obtain your WRDS account.

Our BoardEx academic subscription allows access to the Europe region. The data on WRDS includes all of the available subsets of data for that region. The subsets include Individual Profiles, Individual Networks, Company Networks, Compensation, Committee Details, Organization Summary, Company Profiles, and Announcements.