Library News

New product: Statista

The IESE Library now has access to Statista, one of the world's largest statistics, research & market data platforms with access to > 1.5 million statistics, forecasts, studies, dossiers and infographics on 80.000 topics from more than 18,000 sources.

A brief overview of Statista:

• More than 1 million statistics from over 18,000 sources (including both national and
 international data)

• Over 80,000 topics in 170 multidisciplinary categories, ranging from agriculture to media & marketing and consumer & demographic data

• Focus of the international database on Europe, United States and China

• 2,000 Statista Dossiers and Industry Reports

• 20,000 studies & reports from third parties

• Forecasts from 425 industries covering 40 countries

• Direct download of all data in PPT, XLS, PDF and PNG format

• User and publication rights of all content

How to access to Statista?

Access campus-wide and off campus, from the Databases page.